Investigation of Loss of Well Control East Cameron Block 23 OCS-G 02853
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Investigation of Loss of Well Control Eugene Island Block 107, Well B-1 Workover OCS-G 15241...
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Dynamics of the Oil and Gas Industry in the Gulf of Mexico: 1980-2000
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Potential Spatial and Temporal Vulnerability of Pelagic Fish Assemblages in the Gulf of Mexi...
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Investigation of Fatal Accident West Cameron Block 424, Well No. 1 OCS- G 24745 7 April 2004
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Outer Continental Shelf Pipelines Crossing the Louisiana Coastal Zone: a Geographical Inform...
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Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Daily Oil and Gas Production Rate Projections from 20...
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Riparian Area Management: a Selected, Annotated Bibliography of Riparian Area Management
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Mississippi/ Alabama Pinnacle Trend Ecosystem Monitoring, Final Synthesis Report
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Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Conservation Objectives: Final Report: Febru...
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Investigation of Fatality Green Canyon Block 304, Well No. 1 OCS-G 28066 3 September 2009
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Integrating GIS Technologies with the Visual Resource Management Inventory Process
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Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health
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Strong Mid-Depth Currents and a Deep Cyclonic Gyre in the Gulf of Mexico
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Investigation of Fatality and Loss of Well Control High Island Block A466, Well No. B-11 OCS...
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Stability and Change in Gulf of Mexico Chemosynthetic Communities Volume 2: Technical Report
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Deepwater Program: Literature Review, Environmental Risks of Chemical Products Used in Gulf ...
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Archaeological Investigations on the Outer Continental Shelf: a Study Withing the Sabine Riv...
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Refining and Revising the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Region High- Probability Mo...
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Changing Patterns of Ownership and Control in the Petroleum Industry: Implications for the M...
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Proposed OCS Lease Sale 182, Central Gulf of Mexico
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Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Estimator
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Boundary Layer Study in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico Final Report
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Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sales: 2009-2012
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Offshore Petroleum Platforms: Functional Significance for Larval Fish Across Longitudinal an...
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